About Us

About Us

Like its logo with hidden eagle, fish and wolf, there are so many more positive aspects of the Outdoor Heritage Education Center than first meets the eye. For more than 20 years it continues to play a key role affecting millions.

OHEC (pronounced oh’heck) was founded in 1998 by avid outdoorsman, conservationist and mentor Mark LaBarbera to help pass along our outdoor heritage to future generations who were losing touch with the natural world.

Mark’s success in building the North American Hunting Club, N. Am. Fishing Club, Gardening Club of America, National Home Cooking Club, PGA Tour Partners Club and their respective magazines and TV/video entities opened the door to launching the Outdoor Heritage Education Center as a way to connect youngsters and parents with healthy outdoor activities.   

As Life Member of many sporting conservation groups, past president of the Outdoor Writers Assoc. of America and former Treasurer and current Vice Chairman of the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, Mr. LaBarbera has seen how the people most involved with outdoor activities are the ones who do the most to protect those natural resources they cherish. 

Donations flow through OHEC to mission programs, often with the addition of matching OHEC funds and oversight, in one of the most efficient and streamlined processes in the world of charitable non-profits. Positive publicity generated for partners and programs is often an added bonus, on top of the program’s achievements that are connecting youth and adults to our outdoor heritage and activities. 

Mr. LaBarbera remains involved and accessible, along with education volunteers across America who also donate their time to mentor the next generation and create future stewards for the environment. Our outdoor traditions rely on volunteers, healthy natural resources and generous donors.