Mobile Closet – Loaner gear & clothes for new hunters.

Mobile Closet – Loaner gear & clothes for new hunters.

OHEC Mobile Closet – Loaner gear & clothes for new hunters.

Mobile Closet(s) presented by the Outdoor Heritage Education Center (OHEC) – Provided loaner gear & clothes for new hunters. The trailers are a unique custom mobile closet inside enclosed trailers, storing a variety of outdoor clothes, gear, footwear and more.  In addition, OHEC coordinates two additional mobile closets that are owned by the Friends of the Poynette Game Farm. 

The mobile closets are an opportunity and a great way to set your Learn to Hunt (LTH) events and activities up for success. Allowing new outdoor mentee’s to have the appropriate gear for a successful outdoor heritage experience.

Stocked with gear and clothes for new hunters, this trailer is offered for use with donation. To keep this tool available, updated, maintained, and insured; donations are graciously accepted. Donations have ranged in generosity, we encourage you to give what you feel comfortable giving. Thank you! 

Reservation are now being accepted!  


Trailers are still being stocked!  We welcome donations of new or used footwear, clothing, gear, cash, and gas gift cards. If you are interested in donating to the Mobile Closets please contact


All Mobile Closets are coordinated by the Outdoor Heritage Education Center (OHEC) as part of its R3 program to Recruit, Retain, & Reactivate hunters.