Outdoor Access and Inclusion!

Outdoor Access and Inclusion!

Outdoor Access 4 All!


Do you have someone in your group that has a temporary or permanent mobility issue?  Maybe a student, chaperone, mentor or teacher?  

The Outdoor Heritage Education Center is proud to partner with Access Ability Wisconsin (AAW) to bring the Outdoor Wheelchair to individuals who have temporary or permanent mobility issues, no matter what your age. OHEC is happy to help promote use of outdoor wheelchairs.

AAW’s objective is to provide recreational opportunities for those with temporary or permanent mobility issues, including wheelchair users, who want to enjoy the outdoors.

Over 5.7 million acres of public land in Wisconsin.
Over 500,000 people in Wisconsin have mobility issues of some sort that limit their access to getting outside.
With all the proven benefits of outdoor recreation, everyone should be able to enjoy the outdoors!

To learn more about the Outdoor Wheelchair, make reservations for the FREE use of an Outdoor Wheelchair, and for more information about Access Ability Wisconsin (AAW) visit their website: https://www.accessabilitywi.org/

In addition, Wings Over Wisconsin; Eden, Mayville, Denmark/Green Bay & Coulee Region Chapters also have Outdoor Wheelchairs available for use.   https://www.wingsoverwisconsin.org/news-media?lightbox=dataItem-irzf1me9   
Make your reservations today and get outside!