The Wisconsin Association of FFA is an association of the National FFA Organization whose mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
OHEC partners with FFA to act as a superintendent and lead the Wildlife Career Development Event (CDE) in the spring with a written exam, identification exam, and team practicum exam. In the spring, OHEC leads this state test on the University of Wisconsin Madison campus. The primary goal of Career Development Events is to develop individual responsibilities, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement.
Pictures above from the WI 2023 FFA State CDE test. Theme was furbearers and birds.
OHEC Touch of the Wild education trailers make a great teaching tool for agricultural education. Local WI FFA chapters have reserved these teaching tools for events such as Ag Day, wildlife education and identification, and more.
Pictures above from the Poynette FFA Chapter, Ag Day 2022 event.
ATTENTION FFA ADVISORS! OHEC will be the 2025 State Wildlife CDE superintendent again this coming school year; April 25, 2025 in Madison, WI.
Focus on Fish and Hunter Education and Safety .
Thank you to the National Wild Turkey Federation for your support of OHEC and FFA!