2025 OHEC Volunteer Opportunities
Your generous support of your time helps us fulfill our important mission. Our outdoor traditions rely on volunteers, healthy natural resources and generous donors. Thank you.
If you can assist OHEC in staffing any one or more of the following events with us – we would forever be grateful. Please reach out to Ruth Ann Lee, OHEC Executive Director at ruthann@ohecyes.org
February 7-9, 2025
Central Wisconsin Sport Show
Wausau, WI
Web = https://fishingboatingoutdoor.com/fbo-central-wisconsin-sports-show.php
Volunteer Tasks = OHEC will have one of the Touch of the Wild Trailers on exhibit for exploration by expo attendees. Volunteers will share OHEC mission and help fundraise by selling raffle tickets for the Wall of Guns Raffle held during expo hours.
Show Hours = Fri 3-8pm, Sat 9-6pm, Sun 10-4pm
February 21-23, 2025
Wisconsin Hunting and Fishing Expo
Green Bay WI
Web = https://wisconsinstatehuntingexpo.com/
Volunteer Tasks = OHEC will have one of the Touch of the Wild Trailers on exhibit for exploration by expo attendees. Volunteers will share OHEC mission and help fundraise by selling raffle tickets for the Wall of Guns Raffle held during expo hours.
Show Hours = Fri 12-8pm, Sat 9-7pm, Sun 9-4pm
March 7-9, 2025
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sport Show
West Allis WI
Web = https://jssportsshow.com/
Volunteer Tasks = OHEC will have three (3) of the Touch of the Wild Trailers on exhibit for exploration by expo attendees. Volunteers will share OHEC mission and help fundraise by selling raffle tickets for the Wall of Guns Raffle held during expo hours.
Parking will have a daily fee.
Show Hours = Friday 12pm-8pm, Saturday 10am-8pm, and Sunday 10am-5pm.
March 28-30, 2025
Open Season Sport Show
WI Dells, WI
Web = https://www.openseasonsportsmansexpo.com/wisconsin/
Volunteer Tasks = Volunteers will share OHEC mission and help fundraise by selling raffle tickets for the Wall of Guns Raffle held during expo hours. (no trailer(s) at this expo)
Parking is Free.
Show Hours = Friday 2-7pm, Saturday 9-6pm, Sunday 9-3pm
April 25, 2025
State FFA CDE testing – Wildlife Station
UW Madison Campus, Stock Pavilion, Madison WI
Time: 8am – 12:30pm
Web = https://ohecyes.org/unicdn/2023/07/03/ffa/
Volunteer Tasks = OHEC is creating and leading the wildlife CDE (career development experience) test for the annual FFA state competition. Volunteers will help OHEC staff lead and administer the test to visiting high school students. Set up & clean up. Supervise students while taking the tests.
Note: Ruth Ann will be setting up at least one of the Touch of the Wild trailers. In addition to students knowing their overall list of Wisconsin Wildlife, the test will focus on Fish and Hunter Safety Education.
May 7, 2025
MOHEE Milwaukee
WDNR Havenwoods State Forest; Milwaukee WI
Web = https://ohecyes.org/unicdn/expo/
Volunteer Tasks = At the expo, educators, conservation volunteers, and DNR professionals keep students engaged in learning stations while increasing their understanding, appreciation and sense of stewardship for natural resources, Wisconsin’s outdoor heritage and related activities. MOHEE volunteers help assist staff in coordination, set up, clean up, and specific assigned tasks (parking, shuttle driver, lunches, etc).
May 14th & 15th, 2025
MOHEE Poynette
WDNR MacKenzie Center; Poynette WI
Web = https://ohecyes.org/unicdn/expo/
Volunteer Tasks = At the expo, educators, conservation volunteers, and DNR professionals keep students engaged in learning stations while increasing their understanding, appreciation and sense of stewardship for natural resources, Wisconsin’s outdoor heritage and related activities. MOHEE volunteers help assist staff in coordination, set up, clean up, and specific assigned tasks (parking, shuttle driver, lunches, etc).